Methylation is a simple biochemical process that has a significant positive impact on many biochemical reactions in the body. These reactions regulate the activity of the cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, and detoxification systems. Methylation, and the opposite action, demethylation, is the mechanism that allows the biological gears to turn, switching on and off a host of systems in the body.
Our CALMASTE founder discovered she had this mutation after a series of ailments were compounding and affecting her physical & mental health. You can read more about that here. (my story)
If you think you may have this issue, you can get a genetic test (Naturopath's are usually more open to issuing them but it is becoming more widely available.)
Treatment for the MTHFR mutation is simple: taking a high-quality, methylated B vitamin complex. These provide your body with the active forms of the vitamins impacted by poor methylation. B6, B12 and Folate are the three vitamins impacted by this mutation. In addition to taking high-quality B-vitamins, added antioxidants, stress-reduction, diet, exercise, or additional detox or cleansing, can make a difference.